Because a fresh start is the only kind of start...
Bankruptcy is an ever-changing field of law. Recent legislative changes have made it more difficult to file bankruptcy, but they still allow most individuals to file bankruptcy. The need for bankruptcy, however, still exists. The increased medical care costs, declining wages, and an uncertain job market mean that debt often becomes too much for a family to bear. Given these circumstances, a family has only a few options: sell the family home, get a second or third job, or declare bankruptcy. When you declare bankruptcy, you legally state that your debt and expenses exceed your income.
Bankruptcy is not a bad or negative thing. It is a financial decision. Corporations do it every day. United Airlines, K-Mart, and MCI are just a few companies that declared bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy is better than making your family suffer or losing your family home. Bankruptcy is a right in our Constitution and is also mentioned and supported in the Bible. Even in the Bible, creditors were trying to exploit helpless debtors.
Individuals need to restructure their debt for more significant businesses or high-income assets.
When bankruptcy is not an option, debt can be negotiated.
6338 Presidential Court #104
Fort Myers, FL 33919
Evening and Weekends Available by Appointment